Following Up After Surgery
Seeing your surgeon after surgery is an important part of your care. Your surgeon wants to ensure you’ve had the best possible outcome. Follow up appointments after surgery also help to detect any possible complications that might occur in the medium to longer term such as infections or hernias.
You should call your surgeon’s office within 7 days after leaving the hospital to request a follow up appointment. Your surgeon will usually see you about 3-4 weeks after your surgery for most abdominal surgeries, and after 2-3 months after most anorectal procedures. These time frames are general guidelines for most patients.
Waiting to phone to book your follow up appointment can lead to a delay in being seen, as clinic appointments fill up.
Some patients leave the hospital with a drainage tube to help clear out fluid or infection. These drains typically stay in 1-2 weeks, or until the drainage is less than 30 mL per day for two days in a row. The drain is then taken out in the clinic.